Rabu, 02 September 2009

Typical collection of Javanese ceremony!

* Death Mendhak

Mendhak tradition is one of the rituals of death traditions of Javanese culture. Mendhak traditional ceremony performed individually or in groups to commemorate the death of someone. Tools and equipment needed for traditional ceremonies Mendhak is as follows: cone, sega uduk, side dishes, compote, sticky rice, and apem. Sometimes, before or after the ceremony held Mendhak, relatives can visit the graves of their relatives.

This traditional ceremony carried out three times in a thousand days after the day of death: the first is called Mendhak Pisan, a ceremony to commemorate the death of one year (365 days); Mendhak Pindho latter as a two-year memorial of death; Mendhak third called Telu or Pungkasan or Nyewu Dina , who held on to a thousand after death.

According to Javanese belief, after a year of death, the spirits of relatives who commemorated his death has entered the eternal world forever. According to belief, too, to enter the eternal world, the spirits must go through a very long road, therefore, important to holding a ceremony to accompany the journey of the soul.

* Death surtanah

The tradition of death in one of a traditional Javanese ceremony sataunya is intended to Surtanah spirits or spirits of the dead have a decent place in the side of the Court exists.

Equipment ceremony: - Group nobility: hone cone complete with side dishes, vegetables cool (not hot), pecel with chicken cutlet fried / roast, soy sauce Docang with the peel, do not min, krupuk, peanut brittle, cone-size measure, savory rice , golong rice, and plantains. - Group of ordinary people: cone with lauknya, rice golong, ingkung and roasted chicken, rice shavings, pungkur cone, cone lasting, offering banana, flower Setaman, chew of betel, delicious and money bako surgical earth.

The ceremony is held after burying the corpse that was attended by family, close neighbors, and religious leaders.

* Ceremony nyewu dina

The essence of this ceremony to God for forgiveness. Equipment ceremony: - Group nobility: takir pentang containing dishes, rice shavings, rice compote, apem, flowers placed telon distoples and given water, cut the goat, pigeon / dove, duck / duck, and the release of pigeons. - Group of ordinary people: ambengan rice, tasty rice, glutinous rice compote, apem, ingkung chicken, rice and flowers are classified in lodong input and incense.

The ceremony was held after the evening prayer, followed by family, clergy, neighbors and relations.

* Ceremony Brobosan

One of the traditional ceremony in Javanese traditions of death is Brobosan ceremony. Brobosan ceremony aims to show respect to the relatives of parents and their ancestors who had died. Brobosan ceremony held at the home pages of people who died, before burial, and led by members of the oldest families.

Brobosan tradition held the following sequence: 1) the coffin was brought out into the yard and upholding the top after a prayer ceremony over the death, 2) boys eldest, daughter, grandson and granddaughter, walking sequence coffin passed above them (mrobos) for three times and in a clockwise direction, 3) sequence is always preceded by a son of the oldest and the nuclear family in the first sequence; younger children and their families behind.


This traditional ceremony symbolizing respect for relatives who are still alive to parents and their ancestors.

One of the traditions born in the Javanese culture is Selapanan. The ceremony aims Selapanan pleaded for the baby's safety. Equipments required are as follows:
- Group nobility: Rice gudangan cone, small cone of rice stuck puncture tip onion and red pepper, five kinds of cereal, snack market, golong rice, tasty rice, Sekul asrep-asrepan, pecel chicken, bananas, incense, and flowers given Setaman water.
- Group of ordinary people: Tumpeng tasty rice with side dishes, rice cone among-among, golong rice, porridge white brother, ingkung and roasted chicken.

Last rites in a series done for safety's birth on day 36 in accordance with market day Weton or baby's birth. Selapanan held after the maghrib and attended by the baby, father, shamans, clergy, family and kin.


Traditional Javanese wedding got a wide range of traditions. Pemaes, shaman where the bride becomes the leader of the wedding, it is very important. He's taking care of makeup and clothes groom and the bride a different shape for the wedding. Usually he also rents wedding clothes, jewelry and other accessories for weddings.

Many are to be prepared for any wedding ceremony. Small committee consisting of close friends, the family of the bride. The amount depends on the committee's background and how many guests are invited (300, 500, 1000 or more). In fact the wedding was a great show.

Committee care of the entire wedding preparation: protocol, food and beverages, gamelan music and dance, decoration of the reception room, host, trustee for Ijab, opening speech, transportation, communications and security. The most important preparation is Ijab (note the religious and civil records), which was recorded as married couples.

Usually the day before the wedding, the gate of her parents' house was decorated with Tarub (decorative plants), consisting of different Tuwuhan (plants and leaves).

* Two banana trees with a cluster of ripe bananas means: The husband would be a good leader in the family. Banana tree is very easy to grow anywhere. The couple will live well and happy anywhere.
* A pair of Sugar Cane Wulung means: The whole family came together to support marriage.
* Cengkir Ivory meaning: The couple love each other and will take care of their families.
* Form like a banyan leaf, mojo-Koro, reeds, dadap srep means: The couple will live secure and protect the family.

above bekletepe gate means away from the noise and show the evil spirits in the house where the party was held.

Mayang twins are compositions of various leaf (mostly palm leaves in the banana tree trunk). It's beautiful decor and sanggat broad sense menpunya.

* It's like a mountain shape menpunyai: The mountain is high and large, means a man should have a lot of knowledge, experience and patience.
* Kris: Describe that the bride and groom to be careful in life, smart and wise.
* House: The couple will always live optimist with a passion for the good life.
* Umbrella: The couple must protect his family.
* Locust: The couple will be energetic, quick thinking in making decisions for her family.
* Bird: The couple have a high motivation of life.
* Leaf Ficus benjamina: The couple will always protect his family and surrounding community.
* Kruton Leaves: The leaves that protect them from interference of Satan.
* Dadap srep Leaves: The leaves can be used to compress to lower fever, means the couple will always have a clear mind and calm in mengadapi problem.
* Leaves Dlingo Bengle: Herbs for infections and other diseases, it is used to protect the disruption of Satan.
* Flower Patra Manggala: It used to beautify the yard.

Before installing Tarub and must make Bekletepe Sajen sepesial.

Traditional Sajen (offerings) in the party's traditional Javanese is very important. It is a very significant symbol, in which God our Creator melidungi. Offering means to pray for ancestors and to protect from evil spirits disorders. Sajen placed in all places where the party was being held, including in the bathroom, the kitchen, under the gate, under the decorations Tarub, on the road near the house, and others.

Spray offering consists of:

* Tumpeng Robyong, yellow rice with a garnish.
* Tumpeng Bald, bald yellow rice.
* Food: chicken, beef, tofu, eggs.
* Seven kinds of porridge.
* Banana king and other fruit.
* Young Coconut.
* Sweet cakes, lemper, cendol.
* Tea and coffee.
* Tobacco and Cigarettes.
* Lantera.
* Flower Telon (ylang, jasmine, magnolia) with Holy water.

Spray: The meaning of SIRAMAN party is to cleanse the soul and body. Siraman party is usually held in the afternoon, the day before and Panggih Ijab. Spray in the house held at the bride's parents respectively. Spray is usually done in the bathroom or in the park. Now more held in the park. List of names of people who do it very important SIRAMAN. Not only parents, but also close family and elder people. They are selecting a good moral person. The number of people who do it usually SIRAMAN seven people. Seven Javanese PITU, they gave the name PITULUNGAN (meaning help).

What I should be prepared:

* The basin for water, usually made of copper or bronze. Water from wells or springs.
* Flower Setaman - roses, jasmine, magnolia and ylang - in the mix with water.
* Aroma - five colors - works like a soap.
* Traditional shampoo and conditioner (ashes of rice straw, coconut milk, tamarind water Java).
* 2 scoop of coconut, put it together.
* A small chair, covered with:
* Mat - white cloth - several kinds of leaves - Dlingo Bengle (plants for medicines) - bango tulak (4 kinds of fabric with motif) - striated (motif Yuyu line with companion pieces and Pula Watu).
* Wearing a white cloth over SIRAMAN.
* Fabrics and batik from Grompol Nagasari pieces.
* Towel.
* Kendi.

The family of the bride sent a messenger to carry the water-flowers to the family of the bridegroom. That Banyu Perwitosari Holy, holy water and is the symbol of the essence of life. Water is placed in the house of the bridegroom.

Implementation of the spray:

Bride / men came from his room and joined her parents. He was escorted to the SIRAMAN. Some of the road behind him and carrying a tray with batik cloth, towels, and others. And this will be used after SIRAMAN. He sat in the chair and praying. The first person who pours water into the bride's father. After the mother's father may pour. After them, other people can do SIRAMAN. The last person who did SIRAMAN is sepesial Pemaes or person who has been appointed. Bride / the man sitting with his hands on his chest with a prayer position. They poured water into his hands and clean the mouth three times. Then they poured water over his head, face, ears, neck, hands and feet three times, too. Pemaes using traditional shampoo and conditioner. After the pitcher was empty, Pemaes or a designated person to solve the pitcher to the floor and said: 'Wis Pamore Broken' - meaning he was handsome (to be beautiful and ready to get married).

Ceremony whittling:

After Siraman, bride sitting in the bridal suite. Pemaes drying her hair with a towel and deodorizer menberi (hundred) in the hair. She tied her hair back and mengeraskannya (coil). After that Pemaes clean face and neck, he was ready for the dressing. Behati Pemaes very careful in wedding makeup. Ornamentals that tergantun of marriage forms. Finally, the bride wore kebaya and batik cloth or Sidoasih Sidomukti. It is a symbol of prosperity alive.

Ceremony Midodareni: Implementation of this party took place with Ijab and Panggih. Midodareni it comes from the word meaning goddess Widodari. At night, the bride will be beautiful just like the Goddess. According to ancient beliefs, the Goddess will come from heaven.

The bride had to stay in the room from six o'clock until midnight on accompanied by some of the elder woman. Usually they will give suggestions and advice. Family and close friends of the bride would come to visit, everything should be women.

Parents of the bride will feed the food for the last time. Starting from tomorrow, her husband who will be responsible.

What should be placed in the bridal suite?

* One set of twins Mayang.
* Two jars (filled with spices, herbs, rice, beans, etc.) on the cover with a cloth tulak Bango.
* Two jars (filled with holy water) on the cover with leaves dadap srep.
* Ukub (trays with various fragrance from leaves and flowers) placed under the bed.
* Tell Ayu (betel leaf).
* Nuts Areca.
* Seven kinds of cloth with a pattern letrek.

In the middle of the night all the offerings on the take from the room. Family and guests can eat together. In another room, family and close friends of the bride's family to meet the bridegroom.

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